The scorching hot Bollywood actress, Shilpa Shetty steals the show with her stellar performance as Goutami, who cannot do without expressing herself with dance. She concentrates all her efforts and energy towards the art that means the world to her. While she is way above the ordinary when it comes to weaving a charming spell on the dance stage, she is indifferent to the unprecedented attention that follows her, wherever she goes. During one of her journeys, she comes across Jai Leang, an upcoming painter with a mixed background; his father is a Chinese, whereas his mother hails from India. Jai hardly socializes and his passion to fill the canvas with colors of life derives much motivation from his Communist-culture-influenced childhood. While on the one hand, the movie focuses on the blooming romance between Jai and Goutami, on the other hand, it showcases that art knows no boundaries and it’s the invisible glue that holds diverse cultures together.Direction: R. Sarath has come all guns blazing with his spotless direction. He has to be commended for going deep into the details, thereby weeding out any scope for loose ends to hamper the screenplay.
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