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Showing posts from June, 2017

Thai Pongal Festival Of India

About Thai Pongal Festival          Tamil Festival           ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  About Thai Pongal The festival of tamils. The festival of india are not only vibrant but has a great cultural significance. The festival of lights, colours happiness, love and purity makes us one. One such festival is thai pongal , a festival of harvest a festival of thanks giving, bringing all the people together to make merry. A festival of harvest, a festival primarily of tamil nadu and srilanka. This festival falls on the month of thai which is the traditional month of tamilians. It generally falls in the month of January . Pongal is a sweet dish which is  a concoction of rice, moongdal, jaggery and milk. It is a thanks giving ceremony in which farmers celebrates the event to thank the jovial spirit of nature, the sun and the farms that help them to provide the best harvest.  Pongal is four day long festival,